Thursday, October 11, 2007

Humanistically Incorrect by being Literally Incorrect

The following website could have taken a little bit more time to be a little more politically or humanistically correct when addressing the issue of domestic labour for hire. They should have used better words. These are people we are talking about and not objects.

Here are a few examples of what I mean by Humanistically incorrect (highlighted)

D- The visitor may care about more than home labour during his search. in this case he can press the add to my special lst to save it in my cart list

E- After the visitor finishes his search he press the my cart button to see his favurite list and begin to choose the one which suit him

And on the very end of the page it says:

Treat your self by surfing our websit.thank s for you visit

Its like they are talking about Candy and not actual people.

The website also didn't care to have a membership online in order to access the list of companies and available employees, so you can actually just scroll down and find their resume with pictures. That unprofessional and unacceptable, they should have all pictures and CVs accessed only through memberships with passwords as a respect for the foreign labourers.


Anonymous said...

Am dragging this totally off the shelf but what does it take to engage in community activities and/or social work in Kuwait?
Is this a regulated profession here, in step with many countries in the West or does it suffice if you hold board certification from a public health authority and the like.
Further, do the same sort of eligibility criteria apply to both citizens and expats read "visitors" to this country?

HussahT said...

I can't believe there is a website to ordering maids. Its quite sickining.

Anonymous said...

Well, the problem with that site was no regulation at all. It definitely should have provided membership/privacy to view the photos and info.

However, I did find a driver who worked 10 years in Saudi. My question would be how could I access his record there? 10 years is impressive, but they never list the record, and if he had prior accidents.