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نغزة عليّ؟
As opposed to do bad and keep it in your closet?
ma6goog - enta agda3 wa7ed shurouq - i had much to say and ended up with just that, blame everything on ADHD :P
teeegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-P
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion. - Abraham Lincoln :)
check this, TRUUEE!!!
see this!! its a one article blog, but i loved it! "6ab waba2i" :P
The business of not doing anything is as bad as doing bad if not more so.
Maybe a fish will catch it?Hope you & your little princess are well.xx
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نغزة عليّ؟
As opposed to do bad and keep it in your closet?
ma6goog - enta agda3 wa7ed
shurouq - i had much to say and ended up with just that, blame everything on ADHD :P
teeegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-P
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
- Abraham Lincoln :)
check this,
see this!!
although its a one article blog, but i loved it! "6ab waba2i" :P
The business of not doing anything is as bad as doing bad if not more so.
Maybe a fish will catch it?
Hope you & your little princess are well.
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